Stress Relief Self Empowerment Natural Genius Soul's Purpose Empowered Menopause Weight Loss Alternative Health & Wellness Conscious Parenting Relationship Coaching Spiritual Connection Sports Performance PTSD Hypnobirthing, Pain Management Sexual Issues Anxiety Confidence Past Life Regression Handwriting Analysis Hypno-Anesthesia Success Mentoring Abundance Stop Smoking Teeth Grinding Procrastination Pattern Reassignment Behavior Modification: To name a few. Call today for a consultation.
Hypnosis for Weight loss
as seen on the Dr. Oz Show
Hypnosis Works
Hypnosis Works
American Health Magazine reported the following findings from a study: This study clearly points out that Hypnosis is more effective and works more quickly than traditional talk therapy. We have had great success in the following areas: Weight Loss Stop Smoking & Tobacco Cessation Reduce Stress, Anxiety, and Anger Pain Management Athletic Performance Increased energy Test Anxiety Improve Career or Sales Performance Public Speaking Sexual Problems & Enhancement Personal Development Learn to Relax and Let Go Hypno-birthing Overcoming Fears & Phobias Increasing Self-Esteem & Confidence Memory Improvement Past Life Regression Improve Relationship Motivation & Concentration Grief or Loss of a Loved One and more... Is it Effective?
Is Hypnosis Really Effective?
My clients are always curious about the success rates that hypnotherapists can achieve, so I have prepared the following information as a general guideline to use when evaluating any hypnosis program. Since hypnosis and hypnotherapy were accepted by the American Medical Society as a legitimate therapeutic agent in 1958, a great deal of research has been conducted on the efficiency and effectiveness of hypnosis. Several investigators during the 1970’s and 1980’s provided clinical and experimental evidence about the effectiveness of hypnosis for smoking cessation, substance abuse, weight loss, phobias, depression, and anxiety. These results were summarized by the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis as follows:
The researchers also discovered that customizing and individualizing the sessions increased the effectiveness of the sessions dramatically. In addition to these studies, Alfred A. Barrios, Ph. D., has conducted a longitudinal survey of the psychotherapeutic literature and discovered the following success rates for hypnotherapy versus therapeutic methods:
Hypnosis with multiple, individualized and tailored sessions, is probably one of the most effective ways to bring about desired changes in the least amount of time. Make Changes Effortlessly
Hypnosis is a specific form of communication to your subconscious mind where old habits and memories are stored. The subconscious mind controls every aspect of the body from blood pressure to cellular growth. It is also like a radio signal, drawing into your life circumstances and opportunities that it thinks you want based on your habits and patterns. Once your subconscious accepts a new idea through hypnosis, you automatically accept it on a conscious level. This allows you to be free of old habits, thought patterns and physical problems and empowers you to be the person you want to be!
Is Hypnosis Safe?
Hypnosis is safe, relaxing and you are completely aware and in control during the entire experience. It is a myth that someone can make you do something against your will during hypnosis. The Hypnotherapist simply helps you to connect with your subconscious mind so that you can make changes and get the results you want. Hypnosis is recognized by the medical community as a dynamic and vital tool in the healing process, embracing all aspects of healthcare. Hypnosis is quickly becoming the #1 empowerment and healing tool for your mind, body and spirit.
How Hypnosis Works
Contrary to popular folklore, a hypnotized person isn't asleep and can't be compelled to act against her own beliefs - although anyone who's watched a Borscht Belt magician turn a middle-aged man into a squawking chicken might doubt that. Though researchers can't fully explain what hypnosis is or why it
works, they do know that 75 to 91% of people can be hypnotized. Psychologist describe hypnosis as an altered state of mind in which one's normal skepticism is largely suspended, allowing a patient to focus attention on a single image and be open to suggestions posed by a trained guide. Some practitioners call it daydreaming with purpose. It's similar to the absorption you experience when reading a good novel, watching an engrossing movie, or listening so intently to the car radio that you arrive home without a clue as to how you got there. New brain scan technology shows that hypnosis can alter the way sensory messages are received in the brain and experienced in the body. In a recent brain-imaging study conducted at the University of Iowa, researchers found that hypnosis actually blocks pain signals from getting to the part of the brain responsible for conscious perception of discomfort. PET scans - which reveal active areas of the brain - also indicate that hypnotized people process suggested sounds and images in the same part of the brain that registers real ones. That is, the brain accepts hallucinations as authentic. Simply imagining sensations, without hypnosis, doesn't have the same effect. That, of course, is what makes hypnosis such a great stage act. In a trance, your senses can be tricked. You can be persuaded that a bottle of ammonia smells like perfume or that a large, fuzzy rabbit is sitting on your lap. But the brain effects also help explain why hypnosis has become so useful to modern medicine. It can make you conclude that chemotherapy isn't nauseating, for example, or that third-degree burns are not painful. "Fantasy can preempt pain," explains Linda Thomson, PhD, a nurse practitioner and clinical hypnotherapist in Bellows Falls, VT. And because pain isn't good for you, reducing it can produce profound benefits. Give yourself the gift of Empowerment
Download Free Hypno-Audio files. Our gift to you for visiting our site.These files are free and have been reduced in size for quick downloading. Some of the audio quality may have been effected. For personal, High Quality audio hypnosis contact us for rates. Enjoy.
Theory of mind and Model of HypnosisHypnosis and PTSDHypnosis and sports performanceHypnosis and Chronic Pain
A case study
The Healing Power of Hypnosis
The latest research shows that hypnosis can ease pain, speed healing, increase fertility, even fight cancer. Prevention - 2006 March by Alexis Jetter Wendy W.* couldn't believe it: Her cycles had always been very regular, but the minute she decided to try to get pregnant, she stopped menstruating. After 4 months without a period, the 24-year-old nurse at Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center in Lebanon, NH, consulted an OB/GYN who was a fertility specialist. He couldn't find the slightest thing wrong with her or her husband. Okay, she concluded, I guess my mind has stopped my period. She called the hospital's psychiatry department. "I want someone good," she said. Da-shih Hu, MD, a psychiatrist and an assistant professor at Dartmouth Medical School, invited Wendy into his office. They talked about her life, marriage, and work but found no obvious reasons why her reproductive system had shut down. When Hu suggested that hypnosis might help, Wendy bristled. "I thought he was literally nuts," she says. "I knew nothing about hypnosis, except that it's a bad Vegas act. And I hate magicians." But two sessions later, with nothing to lose, she decided to give it a try. Hu asked her to close her eyes, take a deep breath, and imagine a wave of relaxation spreading slowly form her toes to the top of her head. "It was the feeling you get right before you go to sleep," she recalls. At the doctor's instruction, she took several more deep breaths, until she felt herself drifting off. Soon, her head slumped toward her chest, and the straight-back chair seemed to morph into a comfortable recliner. Hu asked Wendy to imagine a safe, restful place to visit, and at her suggestion, they "walked" to a waterfall. "Do you hear the sounds of water?" Hu asked. "Do you feel a breeze?" A quiet fluidity entered her soul, instilling a sense of peace she'd never known. "I was in the room, but I wasn't there," she says. "I was above myself, looking down, like a mom looking down at a child. And I had this amazingly powerful feeling: I felt like I could fix myself." Hu later asked Wendy to think of a day when she should start menstruating. On that very day, her period started. Soon afterward, she became pregnant, and 9 months later, her son was born. A funny thing is happening to hypnosis, long a feature of vaudevillian routines: It's becoming respectable, working its way into the nations' premier research hospitals, medical journals, and doctors' offices. An increasing number of physicians are using hypnosis to ease patients through childbirth, angioplasty, chemotherapy, breast biopsy - even full-on surgery. Hypnosis is helping people get over fractures, burns, migraines, asthma, fibroids, peptic ulcers, and skin disorders. The same techniques practiced by ancient Egyptians 2,000 years ago and "discovered" by Austrian physician Franz Anton Mesmer in the late 1700s are now scoring impressive results in medical experiments across the United States, Europe, and beyond. Mind, it seems, really can overcome matter. "If somebody told you there was a medication that could treat 100 different conditions, didn't' require a prescription, was free, and had no bad side effects, you wouldn't believe them," says Harvard Medical School psychologist Carol Ginandes, PhD. "I don't want to sound like a snake oil salesman , because hypnosis is not a magic wand. But it should be made available as a supplementary treatment for all patients who could benefit. Right now." |
Content copyright 2012 * Ron Lake & Kristi Judy* Academy for Life Empowerment all rights reserved Mentoring, Coaching, Life Skills, Rapid Eye Therapy, Training
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Hypnotist, Hypnosis in Arizona, Hypnosis in Texas, Hypnosis in Prescott, Hypnosis in Austin, Hypnosis in Arizona
Hypnosis, Hypnotherapy, Hypnotist, Hypnosis in Arizona, Hypnosis in Texas, Hypnosis in Prescott, Hypnosis in Austin, Hypnosis in Arizona