Playing the mental game of manifesting your desires“The waste-not/want-not factor states that manifestation will only occur if there
is a need for it! When there is a need for something, balance occurs in the manifestation process! The problem begins when you wish to manifest something that you want but you do not now need. Your request is unbalanced. It is with these unbalanced creations that you must play a mental game with yourself. This mental game is nothing you haven’t already used in the past to manifest other wants in your life. It’s only that you’ve been unaware of the process. For instance, We tell our clients that if they wanted new furniture (a couch, maybe); The fastest way to get a new couch is to get rid of the old couch. This creates an instant Need vs. Wants balance. However, this concept is not always practical. We don’t want to give up our old car until we have a new car to replace it, so the process of Need vs. Want can take a little longer to balance out and allow manifestation of the new car. In these cases, we have to play a little trick on our minds. We have to reprogram our subconscious. Here’s how the game works! Mentally you must create a positive need for that object. Using an example of a new car to replace your old one, you should imagine the things you would do with your new car that you could not or would not do with your old car. For instance, the pleasure you feel as you drive in a car that is quiet and has great handling ability. The security you would have of it not breaking down. If your desire was materializing money, you could imagine what you would do if you had that money. For instance, you would take your friend out to a fine restaurant, or you could buy yourself a new set of clothes or even help a local organization. The idea is to fill up a mental checklist with enough good reasons that will balance the Creation Mechanism’s waste-not want-not factor. In this way, you will create a positive need for the desired object and avoid creating a negative need, by materializing a lack of something already existing in your life. Now, keep in mind that it may take more than one or two reasons on that checklist to balance the manifestation of your desired object. If you really want this object, you should make sure you have a heap of reasons on that list! It may even help to construct a list and hang it up where you can see it everyday as a mental reminder.” Comments are closed.
Ron RB Lake, CHt.Hey Guys! I am taking advantage of the opportunity to provide current, relevant information to help empower you to live a life you love. My main focus will most often be about the world of hypnotherapy as I am reading, studying and learning constantly. However, I will be including fun and interesting tips on a variety of other things that will help you in your life. Archives
April 2016