Have you ever noticed that most people, including yourself tend to start new projects, try to create new habits or routines or even try to stop old habits on Monday? Well, trying a different day may just increase your chances of success.
Statistics show that most people are more likely to start tracking time on Mondays than any other day of the week. For instance 10% more people will sign up for something on Monday than they will on Tuesday; 15% more on Mondays than Wednesdays; 27.5% more than on Thursdays; and 30% more on Mondays vs Fridays. Now because our subconscious minds look for patterns and neither our subconscious nor for many of us our conscious minds like change, It seems logical that if we are going to attempt a change, it should be at what we consider a new cycle in time for us. A new cycle in time has been taught to us to be Mondays or January for instance. Yet, starting on a day other than Monday might give the change you want to make a betting fighting chance at success. Starting a new habit or stopping an old one can be difficult and it is just faulting thinking that it is easier to do it on a Monday or the first month of the year. People assume that they will somehow be different on Monday or that they will have more will power or that new beginnings mean new focus and discipline. None of this is true. You will have the exact same qualities of will power, determination , etc. on Monday as you do any other day of the week. Also, Monday is the day of the week when many other things begin. Usually, at work new projects are started, meetings are scheduled, and new assignments are already established habits and routines. For those who are serious about creating and new habit, this time to start is right NOW. That means whenever NOW happens, when you are feeling to most motivation, just get going. If you have to choose a day, some studies have shown that Thursday is a great day to start. Wednesday studies show is the longest work day of the week, with many of us getting the bulk of our work finished up. 97% of working people claim that Thursday is the least busy day of the week. This would be the perfect day of the week because fewer things are starting up. You can give more focus and concentration on the new desired habit. This allows you to create something new with fewer competing priorities. Friday comes and you can repeat the new routine you are wanting to make a habit thus reinforcing it, again with fewer distractions. Over the weekend you can take time to continue with building the new habit and/or take time to evaluate what you are creating. By the time Monday rolls around you are well into developing this new habit and it is no longer a new thing you are trying to fit in among other things. It is simply a part of what you do every day now. You are more likely to keep it going from this point forward. Some people have the habit of procrastination and seem to never be able to start or finish anything new. For those people, Hypnotherapy is very successful. With Hypnotherapy, the person can eliminate the habit of putting things off and create motivation to start new things. This is where I come in. Feel free to contact me if you are one of those who lack motivation and regularly procrastinate about things you actually want to accomplish. Ron Lake CCHt. Mind Coach
Those nagging frightful thoughts we have all day, every day telling us bad things about ourselves, bad things about others and even bad things about money, love, and relationships. We hear them in our mind, and they are constantly showered upon us from the news, music, magazines the internet and even our friends and family. “I’m not good enough” , I’m not worth love”, I’m too fat, too skinny, too dumb, too short, tall, uneducated, poor etc..... to have what I desire in life. While you are reading, think to yourself about how many time you have heard the voice in your head or even your own lips say the phrase “I can’t afford that”. Whether we take notice of these negative thoughts that in turn become limiting beliefs or not, they are always running in the background of our minds. They surface loudly when we want something or try to do something we feel will bring us success or joy. We are so busy and distracted in our lives that we seldom ever take the time to ask “Is this thought even mine or is this thought the belief of my parents, relatives or friends formed from their own personal experiences? We have thousands of thoughts and beliefs programmed into us just by our parents alone that tend to shape our reality, even though they have nothing to do with our current existence , but once these mind monsters take hold with their long sharp claws, they can be difficult it seems to get rid of them if we notice them at all. I have a friend who likes to bake. When I first met her she used to put a metal cup of water in her oven whenever she baked a cake. I saw her do this on a couple of occasions. When I asked her why, she said :I don’t know. That’s how my mom always did it.” I was intrigued, so the next time I saw her mom, I told her what my friend (her daughter) was doing when she baked cake in the oven and that I was told it was because she did it. I asked why and got the same answer the daughter gave….I don’t know. My mom did it that way so I do too. This started to make me really curious and as it worked out a few weeks later I had the opportunity to meet my friend’s Grandmother. The question was still stuck in my head with no answer. Why were the girls putting a metal cup of water in the oven when they baked a cake. I asked the grandmother who at first looked very confused. After some thought, she looked at me and started laughing out loud. I was surprised but waited till she was able to answer. They still do that? She asked. That’s silly. I used to add a cup of water to the stove when baking because I had a wood stove and made my cake mixes from scratch. Without the cup of water, the cake would come out dry because of the wood and the elevation we lived at. I don’t do that anymore because I have an electric stove and buy cake already mixed. Ask yourself…what am I doing in my life that may be keeping me stuck because of the thoughts and beliefs of my relatives. People growing up in the 40’s and 50’s were very poor. The terms “That’s too expensive or I can’t afford that” were very common. Those people had children who heard those phrases all growing up. Then, they became adults with children and repeated the same phrases to their children even if they actually could afford things yet the cycle continues. And what about those self-deprivating beliefs like “I’m not qualified, Who am I to be successful, or I am not lovable or the hundreds of others not mentioned here. Certainly, our loving parents encouraged us to be and feel great. Where do those nasty mind monsters come? They come from fears we create inside about being judged, disliked and not part of the tribe. Some of these fears are at the very root of our basic beliefs and are subconsciously intended to keep us safe and in homeostasis. Almost all those thoughts are based on our perceptions of what we believe about other people’s success or failures. Rarely are they about our own selves, especially if we have never tried and failed ourselves. But…you have a choice. You can choose to consciously ignore these negative thoughts that create limiting beliefs and let them continue to run in the background of your mind to create a limited, unfulfilling life. Or You can recognize them as Mind Monsters, acknowledge how they are affecting your beliefs and in turn your life, then make a conscious effort to destroy them. Here is one way to do it. …. Over time, your mind monsters will start to fade away. The more often you do this and be consistent over a long period of time the more you will notice that those old Mind Monsters The say to yourself..."Delete, delete, delete" and immediately replace those thought with the exact opposite ones. It's very important that when you do this intentionally that you not only replace the negative thought with the exact opposite but that you create at least on or two others that support the positive thought you just created. Over time, your mind monsters will start to fade away. The more often you do this and are consistent over a long period of time the more you will notice that those old Mind Monsters simply stop showing up. As if they are captured is some jar you forgot about in the cupboard. Mother’s Day is around the corner (May 13th to be exact) and it’s a great time to tell the moms and mom-like figures in your life just how much they mean to you.
Mothers are a great source of wisdom, so we thought we’d explore a few of the things these great women have taught us over the years. Everything Happens for a Reason When we’re kids sometimes the smallest things can seem like the end of the world. Mothers in particular are great at reminding us to take a step back and get some perspective. Chances are you can look back and see purpose in a lot of the situations and struggles that seemed hopeless at the time. This Too Shall Pass Similar to the first expression, Moms are also great comforters. They tell us that nothing is forever and that eventually we might not even remember why we were so upset in the first place! A great reminder in the middle of a tough work week! Show Me Who Your Friends Are and That Is Who You Are Perception is often a mother’s greatest quality. After all, their experience has taught them how to navigate life and the situations (and people) we need to avoid. This wisdom states that the people we are around influence the person we become, so we should choose our company wisely! Waste Not, Want Not Mothers are great at reminding us that our resources are precious and should not be wasted. From finishing our dinner plate to putting items away so they don’t get ruined, they taught us to take pride in what we’ve been given. Share some of your Mother's wisdom in the comments below. Thanks to the perk spot I may not yet be exactly where I want to be… but looking back at my life, I’m glad I’ve come this far.”
A wise friend once told me this. And ever since, I’ve felt nothing but gratitude for where I am today. Here are three realizations I believe have been instrumental in helping me empower millions of people, and create a life I could once only dream of: ---> Realization #1: Success is never about your resources, it's about your resourcefulness. Many people believe that they need to have a sizable chunk of money, the right connections or a college degree before they can even begin to think about making their dreams a reality - But this couldn't be further from the truth. For example, when my partner Glen and I started Mind Movies in 2007, we were in debt, we knew next to nothing about the Internet and there was no one around to help mentor us. But rather than let our lack of resources stop us, we saw it as a challenge to get creative :) Specifically, we decided to put our fears behind, and instead, open our minds to learning what we needed to know to get to where we wanted to be, which leads me to - ---> Realization #2: Don't let "I don't know how" stop you from learning how. There's a quote that I love by a Vietnamese monk named Thich Nhat Hanh: "People have a hard time letting go of their suffering. Out of a fear of the unknown, they prefer suffering that is familiar." In my experience, what usually stops people from pursuing their goals and dreams is that stepping out and trying something new feels unfamiliar and scary… And so - even though they may not be totally happy with where they currently are in life - they subconsciously do what they can to stay there, because they find comfort in the predictability. If you've ever felt this fear (or perhaps you're feeling it now), one of the best ways to overcome it, so that you can spring into action, is to surround yourself with the right support network, which leads me to - ---> Realization #3: Create a positive “Circle of Impact.” Want to take your income, business, career, or love life to the next level? You don't have to have all of the answers, or even a crystal clear plan. But it is downright crucial that you surround yourself with people who will mentor you and support you to stay in action and live your very best life. I call this your "Circle of Impact.” The people you choose to surround yourself with can either inspire you to create new exciting things for yourself, or they can cripple your success by making you doubt who you are and what you're capable of. So be mindful of who you spend your time with. Your future happiness really does depend on it :) Photo courtesy of Huffingtonpost.com New Year’s Eve is next week, and it is often accompanied with resolutions made with the best of intentions that may difficult to keep.
Only a small number of us will actually experience success and continue with new behavior patterns past January. Only 8 percent of people actually keep their New Year’s resolutions, according to one commonly cited statistic. There are many reasons people can’t stick to their resolutions; from setting too many of them to getting derailed by small failures. Setting overly ambitious and restrictive goals ― like quitting sugar when you haven’t already been making small changes to improve your diet ― is one major cause of failure. We may decide to start on a healthy regime of exercising and losing weight and to start off with, our motivation is high – only to lapse at the first sign of temptation or stress. The same applies to stopping smoking, quitting alcohol and so on. What’s going on here? The reason it can be difficult for some is that we are all creatures of habit and in times of adversary we revert to our old coping mechanisms. And of course, one cigarette or one cream cake isn’t going to make much difference is it?, we kid ourselves, and this often leads to failure. Or we may be eating all the right things and exercising more yet no weight is being shed so because the results aren’t immediate will stop ‘punishing’ ourselves with denial and go back to the old, well-trodden path. It doesn’t have to be like that though. People can and do lose weight, stop drinking, smoking, being lazy and so forth. They may do this the hard way, using willpower or choose to change their mind-set with the help of hypnosis. Hypnosis can help you stick with your resolutions by focusing on the tasks you want to achieve or problems you want to overcome. The most popular New Year Resolutions tend to be along the lines of: Get fit and lose weight Be more organized in work/life in general Save money, spend less Quit smoking Enjoy life and welcome new experiences Find love/a relationship Travel more Studies show, these tend to be the dominant themes in everyone’s resolutions most years. The biggest theme is to be or better yourself in some way. Some people don't even bother making resolutions for fear of failure. If this sounds like you then hypnosis can help put you in the right frame of mind and motivate you to achieve your resolutions with confidence. Likewise, healthy eating and learning to enjoy exercise can help you with your weight loss goals. The key to success is to make attainable resolutions and set yourself a realistic time scale to complete them. This way you can celebrate your successes as you reach each milestone, or re-evaluate your plan of action if things aren't going as planned. Hypnosis works and don’t you owe it to yourself to use all the tools available that will help you ataain your goals quickly and easily? #Hypnosisworks #atx #Lakewaytx #beecavetx #drippingspringstx #newyearresolutions #Prescottaz #prescott #stopsmoking #loseweight #stopdrinking #motivation #success @ronlakehypnosis #academyforlifeempowerment I have always understood the phrase “pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.” It is true, but just knowing it doesn’t stop you from hurting. Whether your addiction is to a substance, a person or a behavior, the emotional pain, the confusion and the mental paralysis that keeps you from making the changes you really want can be debilitating.
That is because physical pain and emotional pain are experienced in the same part of the brain. So, when you suffer emotional disruption, your pain receptors light up just as quickly as if you had cut your hand or bumped your head. It is well known that addictions are often a misguided attempt to soothe emotional pain and distress, When you realize this, then you will understand that finding a way to face your pain head on, and learn the lesson from it, the pain will quickly pass bringing you back to a state of emotional freedom and wholeness. This is where hypnotherapy is at its most effective. The latest neuroscience shows that the brain continues to grow new circuitry throughout a person’s lifespan. This new circuitry or what we call neuropathways create new ways of being, new habits, behaviors, and perceptions. When hypnosis is conducted by a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist such as myself, the process can be used to bypass the critical mind (that part of the mind that acts a sentry at the gate to your subconscious) From there, together we can ‘rewire’ or "rewrite" the mental programming that created the underlying pain, or root cause, of addiction and allow you to take back control of your life. Did you know Hypnosis can be conducted using Skype of Hangouts and a good internet connection from the comfort of your home? I have been conducting internet sessions successfully for years. Stop the addiction, heal your pain. There is no longer any excuse not to seek help. #hypnosisworks @ronlakehypnosis Stress and the holiday season often go hand in hand, but it doesn’t have to be this way. After all, the key to dealing with stress is having the right state of mind. This is precisely why hypnosis is an ideal form of therapy for helping you manage your stress.
In fact, you may not have noticed it, but you’re actually in a hypnotized state all throughout the holiday season. Hypnosis isn’t some magic trick or form of mystical mind control. Instead, it involves using mental conditioning and the power of suggestion, and this is evident in the way advertisers create messages that try to make you spend and buy as much as possible. Similarly, hypnosis can be used to help you manage your stress, as shown in a number of studies on its viability on stress and anxiety management. Below are a few ways hypnosis can help you stay cool and relaxed during the holiday season.
Hypnotherapy can help you put the brakes on the holiday freight train. With hypnosis, you can help your mind find life balance, where you can focus on peaceful and happy memories. 2. Hypnotherapy Can Help Fight Weight GainIt’s no secret that the holiday season is also where we’re most prone to gaining weight. All that food and time spent indoors over the winter create a perfect recipe for putting on the extra pounds. Not to mention that many people deal with their stress by overeating. Using the power of suggestion, your hypnotherapist can condition your mind to avoid overindulging. You can still enjoy your favorite dishes, but with limits, of course. By delving into the subconscious mind, your hypnotherapist can “teach” you to control your eating habits all while enjoying your meals. 3. Hypnosis Helps You Focus on the PositiveThe annual holiday rush often takes away from the joy and wonder of the holidays. With hypnosis, you can plant positive messages into your subconscious mind, allowing you to focus on the positive aspects of the holidays. So even if you’re running errands and meeting with family and friends, you can still put a genuine smile on your face. In Summary Just about anyone can benefit from hypnosis to manage stress, not just during the holidays, but all year round. Hypnotherapy is for everyone, and with regular sessions, you can get through the holiday season staying happy and positive. #hypnosisworks @ronlakehypnosis Shared from Dr. Steve Jones We’ve all been told that allergies are allergies. They may appear and disappear for some, but we have been led to believe that we just have to live with them, taking drugs to suppress the symptoms, but walking around in an anti-histamine induced stupor or unable to eat foods we like.
BUT… when you think about it, pollen or cat dander or dust are NOT cold viruses or pathogens and there is no reason why we should have a histaminic (sneezing/congestion/runny nose/itchy eyes) response to them. Peanuts, strawberries, fish, seafood, etc. are NOT dangerous to our bodies. Often food allergies appear if we are eating something when we get bad news are or are suddenly very upset (although you may not consciously remember the connection). For example, a client developed a food allergy to pineapple after her husband told her he wanted a divorce – and she had pineapple in her mouth at the time. Our unconscious mind tries to find something in a traumatic situation so it can protect us from it in the future. Here is the explanation: Your brain is making a mistake. An allergic response is a reaction that your immune system has to certain substances. If you have a cat allergy, your brain believes that this is a life threatening substance and your immune system goes into action to fight the substance. Your immune system produces histamines which are trying to remove the offending substance- thinking that this substance is life threatening. Here is the truth about your allergies. Your brain is triggered by this substance, sends the message to your immune system which goes into immediate attack mode. You don't have to actually be exposed to the substance. In most cases just seeing or thinking about the allergen starts to produce the response. In a hypnosis session, if the therapist suggests you are in a field of flowers, you will begin to produce histamines and start sneezing! Your brain does have the ability to change. Hypnotherapy produces amazing changes in the subconscious mind... changes that often amaze doctors. We don't really understand how the subconscious mind makes these changes, but the best part is that it works, it is extremely safe and you will be breathing freely, with a clear head, bright eyes. #hypnosisworks @RonLakehypnosis Here we are preparing for the time of year when we have a tendency to stuff ourselves while convincing ourselves it is ok because it is the holidays.
How many of us have experienced that bloated feeling and taken our belts out a notch or two in preparation for more unrequired food? We dread gaining that extra weight. Some people crash diet before Christmas so they can eat more. Crazy I know! Diets work on the body not the mind. Weight management can be a large part of a hypnotherapists work schedule so let me share some tips and techniques to help you through this period. I want you to be able to eat any foods not just those you have been told you can eat. The secret is eating less of it.
Our thoughts precede our action so change your thoughts and you can change your eating habits. Here are more tips:
So now you can enjoy the holiday season making right choices and eating what you choose without gaining weight. Simple when you actually think about it, isn't it? Did you know that you can have your hypnosis session from the comfort of your own home using Skype? Contact me to learn more. #hypnosisworks @ronlakehypnosis Thank You Hayley Whitehouse D.Hyp CPNLP. D.M.H. Dip SMC In 2015, a researcher from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill reviewed 35 studies on the use of hypnosis for gastrointestinal disorders including irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). The conclusion was that research shows unequivocally that for both adults and children with IBS, hypnosis treatment is highly efficacious in reducing bowel symptoms and can offer lasting and substantial symptom relief for a large proportion of patients who do not respond adequately to usual medical treatment approaches.[1]
In 2003, researchers from the University Hospital of South Manchester and Withington Hospital in the United Kingdom studied 204 patients with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). They observed that 71% of the patients responded to hypnotherapy, and 81% of those maintained their improvement over time. Hypnotherapy resulted in improvements in patient symptoms, quality of life, anxiety, and amount of medication required.[2] Did you know Hypnosis sessions can be done over Skype in the comfort of your own home? Contact me for more info. #hypnosisworks @ronlakehypnosis Bruce Bonnett -HMI hypnosis.edu |
Ron Lake C.C.Ht.I am a Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Life Coach with a number of specialty certifications. I am constantly continuing my education and as I do so I want to share with anyone who is interested. . Archives
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