Monday Morning Mentoring
How is it that things don’t go the way you plan? Why is it that one person can accomplish something when another can’t given all the same opportunities and resources? It is because of an idea called the Golden Circle: it’s a simple idea coined by Simon Sinek.
How is it that things don’t go the way you plan? Why is it that one person can accomplish something when another can’t given all the same opportunities and resources? It is because of an idea called the Golden Circle: it’s a simple idea coined by Simon Sinek.
Golden Circle
This idea explains why some people are able to inspire and others are not.
What? – Every single person or organizations knows what they do.
How? – Some know how they do it.
Why? – Very few people or organizations know why they do what they do.
Why? doesn’t mean “to make a profit. That is a result of what you do. By why I mean what is your purpose, your cause, your belief? Why do you or your organization exist? Why do you get out of bed in the morning? And why should anyone care?
Looking again at the Golden Circle, the way we think, act and communicate is from the outside in. From the what to the why. We go from the clearest thing to the fuzziest thing. The inspired leaders, the inspired organizations all think, act and communicate from the inside out.
The mass majority of us who have something to offer communicate like this:
“I have a product”
“It is beautiful, its perfect and it will meet all your needs.”
“Want to buy it?”
The response is usually “no” or even “maybe” with no action step in site. This is how most of us communicate, it’s how most marketing is done. We say
what we do, we say how we are different and we expect some sort of response,
some type of action. We expect someone to buy our products, or sign up for our
services or even vote for us and agree with our ideas. This is very uninspiring.
Inspired leaders, practitioners, mentors, sales people and organizations take the opposite approach. They start with why. This makes them stand out from the masses. An example would be:
In everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. How do we do this?
How - We create products and services that are packaged well, simple to use and
meet your needs.
What – The product.
People do not buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs your product; the goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe. That’s your market, that’s your niche.
All this information is grounded in the science of Biology. Not Psychology, Biology.
If we look at the cross section of the brain from the top down, you will see that the brain is separated into three components. These three components correlate directly with the Golden Circle.
The homosapien or neo brain aka Neocortex corresponds with the “what” level. The Neocortex is responsible for all of our rational thinking, analytical thought and language; the middle two sections make up our limbic brain and are responsible for all of our feelings, like trust and loyalty. They are also responsible for all human behavior, all decision making and it has no capacity for language. When we communicate from the outside in, people understand vast amounts of complicated information like features, benefits, facts and figures. But this does not drive behavior.
When we communicate from the inside out, we communicate directly with the part of the brain that controls behavior. Then we allow people to rationalize the “what” with the tangible things we say and do.
The limbic brain is where “gut” decisions come from. You can give someone all the facts and figures you want, they can totally understand, yet you hear the phrase “It just doesn’t feel right”. Why would we use that verb? It is because the part of our brain that is actually responding doesn’t understand language and it’s the best it can come up with. The limbic is the part of the brain that controls decision making, not language.
If you do not know why you do what you do, how will you ever get anyone to buy your product or services or even be loyal? Apple customers are very loyal. AT&T customers are very loyal. Both of these companies make good products, provide good customer service but so do many others in the same industries.
These two companies also have higher priced items then other companies
too. So, why are their customers so loyal? People don’t just buy their products,
they want to be a part of what they do.
Again, the goal is not just to sell to people who need what you have. The goal is to sell to people who believe what you believe. The difference between inspired leadership and not, is that inspired leaders are driven by a cause, a belief. They are not driven by money or notoriety. They believe that they can make a significant change in the world or in the lives of others. They are not in pursuit of the result or the riches. If you talk about what you believe, you attract those who believe what you do. What you do simply serves as the proof of what you believe.
This idea explains why some people are able to inspire and others are not.
What? – Every single person or organizations knows what they do.
How? – Some know how they do it.
Why? – Very few people or organizations know why they do what they do.
Why? doesn’t mean “to make a profit. That is a result of what you do. By why I mean what is your purpose, your cause, your belief? Why do you or your organization exist? Why do you get out of bed in the morning? And why should anyone care?
Looking again at the Golden Circle, the way we think, act and communicate is from the outside in. From the what to the why. We go from the clearest thing to the fuzziest thing. The inspired leaders, the inspired organizations all think, act and communicate from the inside out.
The mass majority of us who have something to offer communicate like this:
“I have a product”
“It is beautiful, its perfect and it will meet all your needs.”
“Want to buy it?”
The response is usually “no” or even “maybe” with no action step in site. This is how most of us communicate, it’s how most marketing is done. We say
what we do, we say how we are different and we expect some sort of response,
some type of action. We expect someone to buy our products, or sign up for our
services or even vote for us and agree with our ideas. This is very uninspiring.
Inspired leaders, practitioners, mentors, sales people and organizations take the opposite approach. They start with why. This makes them stand out from the masses. An example would be:
In everything we do, we believe in challenging the status quo. We believe in thinking differently. How do we do this?
How - We create products and services that are packaged well, simple to use and
meet your needs.
What – The product.
People do not buy what you do, they buy why you do it.
The goal is not to do business with everybody who needs your product; the goal is to do business with people who believe what you believe. That’s your market, that’s your niche.
All this information is grounded in the science of Biology. Not Psychology, Biology.
If we look at the cross section of the brain from the top down, you will see that the brain is separated into three components. These three components correlate directly with the Golden Circle.
The homosapien or neo brain aka Neocortex corresponds with the “what” level. The Neocortex is responsible for all of our rational thinking, analytical thought and language; the middle two sections make up our limbic brain and are responsible for all of our feelings, like trust and loyalty. They are also responsible for all human behavior, all decision making and it has no capacity for language. When we communicate from the outside in, people understand vast amounts of complicated information like features, benefits, facts and figures. But this does not drive behavior.
When we communicate from the inside out, we communicate directly with the part of the brain that controls behavior. Then we allow people to rationalize the “what” with the tangible things we say and do.
The limbic brain is where “gut” decisions come from. You can give someone all the facts and figures you want, they can totally understand, yet you hear the phrase “It just doesn’t feel right”. Why would we use that verb? It is because the part of our brain that is actually responding doesn’t understand language and it’s the best it can come up with. The limbic is the part of the brain that controls decision making, not language.
If you do not know why you do what you do, how will you ever get anyone to buy your product or services or even be loyal? Apple customers are very loyal. AT&T customers are very loyal. Both of these companies make good products, provide good customer service but so do many others in the same industries.
These two companies also have higher priced items then other companies
too. So, why are their customers so loyal? People don’t just buy their products,
they want to be a part of what they do.
Again, the goal is not just to sell to people who need what you have. The goal is to sell to people who believe what you believe. The difference between inspired leadership and not, is that inspired leaders are driven by a cause, a belief. They are not driven by money or notoriety. They believe that they can make a significant change in the world or in the lives of others. They are not in pursuit of the result or the riches. If you talk about what you believe, you attract those who believe what you do. What you do simply serves as the proof of what you believe.
Vision, Plan and Action
Monday Morning Mentoring
Vicotr Hugo said “He, who every morning plans the transactions of the day, and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through a labyrinth of the most busy life.”
As Mentors we teach and encourage our clients to visualize what they want to accomplish in their lives, how they see themselves and their relationships, what makes them feel successful, prosperous and happy. It is very different for each person. But, what is not different is the process to achieve their goals. One must have the ability to visualize the future. Even if the vision is one for the next day and
not 6 months or a year later. Then, there must be some sort of plan, ideas and
steps necessary that will bring them closer to achieving the goal/s. And the most important part is they must take action steps every day without fail toward their desired goals. Without the action steps, the vision is just a day dream.
Vicotr Hugo said “He, who every morning plans the transactions of the day, and follows that plan carries a thread that will guide him through a labyrinth of the most busy life.”
As Mentors we teach and encourage our clients to visualize what they want to accomplish in their lives, how they see themselves and their relationships, what makes them feel successful, prosperous and happy. It is very different for each person. But, what is not different is the process to achieve their goals. One must have the ability to visualize the future. Even if the vision is one for the next day and
not 6 months or a year later. Then, there must be some sort of plan, ideas and
steps necessary that will bring them closer to achieving the goal/s. And the most important part is they must take action steps every day without fail toward their desired goals. Without the action steps, the vision is just a day dream.
Remember the Law of Polarity...
Monday Morning Mentoring Minute
”I am so tired of being happy.” or “I am so tired of finding ways
to turn a bad situation into something fun and playful” ~ said by No One, ever.
Remember the Universal Law of Polarity. You are never given a problem without also being given the solution. So, take a look at this cute video to see if you can get the feeling of what it’s like to turn a bad situation into something good. If nothing else You will start your Monday with a smile.
”I am so tired of being happy.” or “I am so tired of finding ways
to turn a bad situation into something fun and playful” ~ said by No One, ever.
Remember the Universal Law of Polarity. You are never given a problem without also being given the solution. So, take a look at this cute video to see if you can get the feeling of what it’s like to turn a bad situation into something good. If nothing else You will start your Monday with a smile.
Your perfect life?
Monday Morning Mentoring
Manifesting your desired life begins with your thoughts.
Identify Your Perfect Life in Great Detail
Step #1: Identify your perfect life in great detail.
Step #2: Write down the list of things that your perfect life would comprise of.
(For example, no more commuting to work, no boss, no employees, only working
from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., sleeping until noon every day, living in a five-bedroom
house with deluxe décor, owning a huge home-office complete with a private
beach, shopping with your wife at a high-end mall twice a week, donating $10,000
a month to the Children’s Society, earning a monthly income of $100,000 after
taxes, driving a brand-new BMW 7 series, and so on.)
Step #3: Picture what each item would look like if you were an outside observer,
watching yourself living or performing the items on your perfect-lifestyle list.
See and envision each thing in great detail as if you were in a movie and others
were watching that movie of you.
Step #4: Constantly see the movie of your perfect life in your mind’s eye or in,
the Theatre Of Your Mind over and over again.
It’s actually daydreaming with a specific purpose.
"What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye
shall have them. MARK 11:24. Reread this passage and pay close attention to
the difference in tenses. The verbs believe and receive are in the present, but
the verb shall have is in the future. The inspired writer is telling us something
of the greatest importance by this seemingly minor difference in the grammar
of the sentence. If we believe and accept as true the fact that our desire has already been accomplished and fulfilled, that it is already completed, then its realization will follow as a thing in the future. The success of this technique relies on the confident conviction that the thought, the idea, the picture is already fact in mind. In order for anything to have substance in the realm of mind, it must be thought of as actually existing."
Take a moment after reading this to simply day dream….with purpose.
(adopted from my friend Joseph Murphy; The Power of your subconscious mind)
Manifesting your desired life begins with your thoughts.
Identify Your Perfect Life in Great Detail
Step #1: Identify your perfect life in great detail.
Step #2: Write down the list of things that your perfect life would comprise of.
(For example, no more commuting to work, no boss, no employees, only working
from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., sleeping until noon every day, living in a five-bedroom
house with deluxe décor, owning a huge home-office complete with a private
beach, shopping with your wife at a high-end mall twice a week, donating $10,000
a month to the Children’s Society, earning a monthly income of $100,000 after
taxes, driving a brand-new BMW 7 series, and so on.)
Step #3: Picture what each item would look like if you were an outside observer,
watching yourself living or performing the items on your perfect-lifestyle list.
See and envision each thing in great detail as if you were in a movie and others
were watching that movie of you.
Step #4: Constantly see the movie of your perfect life in your mind’s eye or in,
the Theatre Of Your Mind over and over again.
It’s actually daydreaming with a specific purpose.
"What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye
shall have them. MARK 11:24. Reread this passage and pay close attention to
the difference in tenses. The verbs believe and receive are in the present, but
the verb shall have is in the future. The inspired writer is telling us something
of the greatest importance by this seemingly minor difference in the grammar
of the sentence. If we believe and accept as true the fact that our desire has already been accomplished and fulfilled, that it is already completed, then its realization will follow as a thing in the future. The success of this technique relies on the confident conviction that the thought, the idea, the picture is already fact in mind. In order for anything to have substance in the realm of mind, it must be thought of as actually existing."
Take a moment after reading this to simply day dream….with purpose.
(adopted from my friend Joseph Murphy; The Power of your subconscious mind)
HABITS Monday Morning Mentoring Minute
As a Hypnotherapist and Executive Mentor one of our main focuses on
clients is of course their habits. The things they do every day or in every
situation that no longer suits their needs. These “habits” are usually the
thinking and actions that are keeping them stuck. A quick search on Google will
reveal dozens of articles from all the top business magazines about the 7, 8 10
even 12 habits of successful people. I found this fun and interesting.
Successful people have as many different habits as there are successful people.
My advice would be to take out a piece of paper, a new one every day. Start in
the morning and write down exactly what it is you are doing. Pay conscious
attention to what you do and how much time you spend doing it. Also, write down
the negative thoughts about yourself and your life that you hear in your head
all day long. Do this for exactly 7 days; Monday-Sunday. Be diligent, be honest
and at the end of the 7 days take all those papers and look at what you do.
Look at what you are thinking. Then you will be able to clearly see what
“habits” you have created in your life.
After reading and seeing what you have created, you will be able to
make a better conscious decision on what is holding you back. You see,
everything you are doing now, if gone unchanged consciously is exactly what you
will be doing 6 months from now. The subconscious mind only understands 2
things. Pain and Pleasure. In a nutshell, Pleasure is what the subconscious
mind knows and pain comes from what it doesn’t know. So the subconscious mind
will plan out into the future so that it knows what to expect and creates that
future based on the thoughts and actions you take today and every day. While
this is a very light explanation, I am confident that it will make some of you
go Ah Ha! If you want changes in your future, you must make those changes
today. You may feel pain, your brain may hurt, you may be uncomfortable, but
over time, your changes will be your new habits. If you are in the habit of
saying “I can’t afford that” or “It’s too expensive”. If you are in the habit
of turning down opportunities when they present themselves or never taking
action steps to make your life happier, then you can look into the future and
see that these will not change. Your daily habits help dictate your future.
Choose the best ones.
clients is of course their habits. The things they do every day or in every
situation that no longer suits their needs. These “habits” are usually the
thinking and actions that are keeping them stuck. A quick search on Google will
reveal dozens of articles from all the top business magazines about the 7, 8 10
even 12 habits of successful people. I found this fun and interesting.
Successful people have as many different habits as there are successful people.
My advice would be to take out a piece of paper, a new one every day. Start in
the morning and write down exactly what it is you are doing. Pay conscious
attention to what you do and how much time you spend doing it. Also, write down
the negative thoughts about yourself and your life that you hear in your head
all day long. Do this for exactly 7 days; Monday-Sunday. Be diligent, be honest
and at the end of the 7 days take all those papers and look at what you do.
Look at what you are thinking. Then you will be able to clearly see what
“habits” you have created in your life.
After reading and seeing what you have created, you will be able to
make a better conscious decision on what is holding you back. You see,
everything you are doing now, if gone unchanged consciously is exactly what you
will be doing 6 months from now. The subconscious mind only understands 2
things. Pain and Pleasure. In a nutshell, Pleasure is what the subconscious
mind knows and pain comes from what it doesn’t know. So the subconscious mind
will plan out into the future so that it knows what to expect and creates that
future based on the thoughts and actions you take today and every day. While
this is a very light explanation, I am confident that it will make some of you
go Ah Ha! If you want changes in your future, you must make those changes
today. You may feel pain, your brain may hurt, you may be uncomfortable, but
over time, your changes will be your new habits. If you are in the habit of
saying “I can’t afford that” or “It’s too expensive”. If you are in the habit
of turning down opportunities when they present themselves or never taking
action steps to make your life happier, then you can look into the future and
see that these will not change. Your daily habits help dictate your future.
Choose the best ones.
I was recently talking with my friend, Jo Barns, another excellent Mentor and we got to talking about all the places we have lived and how lucky we were to have experienced some really beautiful places. And she was expressing how lucky she is to live on her island that is so beautiful. Her daughter gets to go to school with kids from 27 different countries and that their evenings relax time is a walk on the beach or a swim in the pool just like mine was when I lived in Hawaii all those years.
“What luck that I landed here!” She stated. But is it pure luck? Is it just lucky
that she lives there or do we make our own luck?
We all know the answer to that really, don't we. As a follow up from last
week’s message about our needs vs. wants and how we create them, you know deep down we create our own luck through the choices we make.
I'm not saying that stuff isn't going to get in our way. Oh boy, will it! Things
will happen that will sway us off our path, that will slow us down, that may
even stop us in our tracks altogether. Life will always be throwing some kind of
challenge at us.
But it really is the way we choose to react or deal with these challenges that
determines the outcome and how we move forward.
An extreme example of this is a guy who I think is an incredible inspiration in
life - Nick Vujicic. If you haven't heard of him or seen him speak, check out
one of his videos here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snDQe3tWwRQ
He had a choice in life. He could have chosen to be a victim. Feel bad for the way
he is, taken up drugs or alcohol to ease his pain and spend his life just
feeling sorry for himself. My goodness, if anyone had a good excuse to be like
that he did!
But instead he chose to take his situation and create magic with it. Reach out to
other people, help people, lift and inspire people and make a difference the
world over. Life sure threw a challenge his way, but how he dealt with it determined the amazing life he (and probably millions of others) now lives!
As I said that's an extreme example. Please don't mistake me for being flippant
about your life. I understand that each and every one of us face real problems
and challenges that can turn our lives upside down.
I think I just wanted to convey the message that you do have a choice as to how
you deal with, react to or face a problem, no matter how big or
small. Just as I had a choice back in 2003 to sell everything I owned and jump on a plane with my fingers tightly crossed behind my back, you have a choice as to how you feel, the actions you take and the future you determine.
You have a choice on a daily basis to feel happy or sad. You have a choice to create ridiculous expectations of yourself or give yourself a break and make it easy to succeed and feel good. Life is hard enough already, don't make it harder for yourself. Make good choices!
I hope you have a great week!
“What luck that I landed here!” She stated. But is it pure luck? Is it just lucky
that she lives there or do we make our own luck?
We all know the answer to that really, don't we. As a follow up from last
week’s message about our needs vs. wants and how we create them, you know deep down we create our own luck through the choices we make.
I'm not saying that stuff isn't going to get in our way. Oh boy, will it! Things
will happen that will sway us off our path, that will slow us down, that may
even stop us in our tracks altogether. Life will always be throwing some kind of
challenge at us.
But it really is the way we choose to react or deal with these challenges that
determines the outcome and how we move forward.
An extreme example of this is a guy who I think is an incredible inspiration in
life - Nick Vujicic. If you haven't heard of him or seen him speak, check out
one of his videos here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=snDQe3tWwRQ
He had a choice in life. He could have chosen to be a victim. Feel bad for the way
he is, taken up drugs or alcohol to ease his pain and spend his life just
feeling sorry for himself. My goodness, if anyone had a good excuse to be like
that he did!
But instead he chose to take his situation and create magic with it. Reach out to
other people, help people, lift and inspire people and make a difference the
world over. Life sure threw a challenge his way, but how he dealt with it determined the amazing life he (and probably millions of others) now lives!
As I said that's an extreme example. Please don't mistake me for being flippant
about your life. I understand that each and every one of us face real problems
and challenges that can turn our lives upside down.
I think I just wanted to convey the message that you do have a choice as to how
you deal with, react to or face a problem, no matter how big or
small. Just as I had a choice back in 2003 to sell everything I owned and jump on a plane with my fingers tightly crossed behind my back, you have a choice as to how you feel, the actions you take and the future you determine.
You have a choice on a daily basis to feel happy or sad. You have a choice to create ridiculous expectations of yourself or give yourself a break and make it easy to succeed and feel good. Life is hard enough already, don't make it harder for yourself. Make good choices!
I hope you have a great week!
Manifestation - Need vs. Want
Monday Morning Mentoring Minute
Playing the Mental Game for Manifesting Desires
Manifestation – Needs verses Wants
“The waste-not/want-not factor states that manifestation will only occur if there
is a need for it! When there is a need for something, balance occurs in the manifestation process! The problem begins when you wish to manifest something that you want but you do not now need. Your request is unbalanced. It is with these unbalanced creations that you must play a mental game with yourself. This mental game is nothing you haven’t already used in the past to manifest other wants in your life. It’s only that you’ve been unaware of the process. For instance, We tell our clients that if they wanted new furniture (a couch, maybe); The fastest way to get a new couch is to get rid of the old couch. This creates an instant Need vs. Wants balance.
However, this concept is not always practical. We don’t want to give up our old car until we have a new car to replace it, so the process of Need vs. Want can take a little longer to balance out and allow manifestation of the new car. In these cases, we have to play a little trick on our minds. We have to reprogram our
Here’s how the game works! Mentally you must create a positive need for that
object. Using an example of a new car to replace your old one, you should
imagine the things you would do with your new car that you could not or would
not do with your old car. For instance, the pleasure you feel as you drive in a
car that is quiet and has great handling ability. The security you would have of it
not breaking down. If your desire was materializing money, you could imagine what you would do if you had that money. For instance, you would take your friend out to a fine restaurant, or you could buy yourself a new set of clothes or even help a local organization.
The idea is to fill up a mental checklist with enough good reasons that will
balance the Creation Mechanism’s waste-not want-not factor. In this way, you
will create a positive need for the desired object and avoid creating a negative
need, by materializing a lack of something already existing in your life.
Now, keep in mind that it may take more than one or two reasons on that checklist to balance the manifestation of your desired object. If you really want this
object, you should make sure you have a heap of reasons on that list! It may
even help to construct a list and hang it up where you can see it everyday as a mental reminder.”
Playing the Mental Game for Manifesting Desires
Manifestation – Needs verses Wants
“The waste-not/want-not factor states that manifestation will only occur if there
is a need for it! When there is a need for something, balance occurs in the manifestation process! The problem begins when you wish to manifest something that you want but you do not now need. Your request is unbalanced. It is with these unbalanced creations that you must play a mental game with yourself. This mental game is nothing you haven’t already used in the past to manifest other wants in your life. It’s only that you’ve been unaware of the process. For instance, We tell our clients that if they wanted new furniture (a couch, maybe); The fastest way to get a new couch is to get rid of the old couch. This creates an instant Need vs. Wants balance.
However, this concept is not always practical. We don’t want to give up our old car until we have a new car to replace it, so the process of Need vs. Want can take a little longer to balance out and allow manifestation of the new car. In these cases, we have to play a little trick on our minds. We have to reprogram our
Here’s how the game works! Mentally you must create a positive need for that
object. Using an example of a new car to replace your old one, you should
imagine the things you would do with your new car that you could not or would
not do with your old car. For instance, the pleasure you feel as you drive in a
car that is quiet and has great handling ability. The security you would have of it
not breaking down. If your desire was materializing money, you could imagine what you would do if you had that money. For instance, you would take your friend out to a fine restaurant, or you could buy yourself a new set of clothes or even help a local organization.
The idea is to fill up a mental checklist with enough good reasons that will
balance the Creation Mechanism’s waste-not want-not factor. In this way, you
will create a positive need for the desired object and avoid creating a negative
need, by materializing a lack of something already existing in your life.
Now, keep in mind that it may take more than one or two reasons on that checklist to balance the manifestation of your desired object. If you really want this
object, you should make sure you have a heap of reasons on that list! It may
even help to construct a list and hang it up where you can see it everyday as a mental reminder.”
No Excuses.
Monday Morning Mentoring Minute
No Excuses…
We all have hopes and dreams and wishes for things in our life. We wish
we had more money, more time for the things we love to do, or time for people we
love to be with. We wish we had better cars, better homes, more of this or that.
Too often we waste time wishing, hoping, praying and dreaming instead of doing
what needs to be done to actually acquire our desires. We are watching mindless
televisions shows, playing games on the computer, surfing the lives of our
friends and family on Facebook, or whatever we can find to do that distracts us
from accomplishing what we really want in life. Perhaps it is fear, or lack of
knowledge, lack of discipline or whatever. The truth is, it all boils down to
the strength of your desires. When I was growing up, several phrases were
repeated by my parents all the time. 1) “If you can conceive it in your mind and
you can really believe it than you can achieve it.” 2) “Those who really want
something find a way, those who don’t find an excuse.” and two of my favorite I
read in a Richard Bach book…”The best way to avoid responsibility is to say “I
have responsibilities” and
possibly one of my all time favorites….”Argue for your limitations and they are
the next time you notice yourself sitting there wishing, hoping or dreaming
about a better life or a better you; stop and look at yourself and see what YOU
are doing to create the life you love to live.
No Excuses…
We all have hopes and dreams and wishes for things in our life. We wish
we had more money, more time for the things we love to do, or time for people we
love to be with. We wish we had better cars, better homes, more of this or that.
Too often we waste time wishing, hoping, praying and dreaming instead of doing
what needs to be done to actually acquire our desires. We are watching mindless
televisions shows, playing games on the computer, surfing the lives of our
friends and family on Facebook, or whatever we can find to do that distracts us
from accomplishing what we really want in life. Perhaps it is fear, or lack of
knowledge, lack of discipline or whatever. The truth is, it all boils down to
the strength of your desires. When I was growing up, several phrases were
repeated by my parents all the time. 1) “If you can conceive it in your mind and
you can really believe it than you can achieve it.” 2) “Those who really want
something find a way, those who don’t find an excuse.” and two of my favorite I
read in a Richard Bach book…”The best way to avoid responsibility is to say “I
have responsibilities” and
possibly one of my all time favorites….”Argue for your limitations and they are
the next time you notice yourself sitting there wishing, hoping or dreaming
about a better life or a better you; stop and look at yourself and see what YOU
are doing to create the life you love to live.
Monday Morning Mentoring Minute
I woke up this morning with George Michael from WAM! singing on the
radio and telling me that “You gotta have Faith” Our religious leaders and
coaches tell us that we have to have faith. I tell my clients all the time to
have faith. Often the word is used in religious terms and when someone is struggling with a problem they have no solution for. But, what is “Faith”? What does it really mean to have it?
Merriam/Webster defines Faith as:
1: allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1): fidelity to one's promises
(2): sincerity of intentions
2 a (1): belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines
of a religion b (1): firm belief in something for which there is no proof
(2) : complete trust
3: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially: a system of religious beliefs <the Protestant faith> — on faith: without question <took everything he said on faith>
It is #2 b(1) “Firm belief in something for which there is no proof” that I am talking about when I encourage my clients to have faith. There are many things in life that we cannot see. Some of them we cannot see because we don’t know what we are looking at. Success, Happiness and Prosperity for instance. If you have not really experienced much of any of these in your life you wouldn’t know how they felt, what they looked like or even where to look for them in yourself. Faith is radical trust. Trust in yourself, that you can accomplish your goals in life even if you
don’t know where to start in the moment. So, have faith in yourself and what you can accomplish. If you don’t know where to start or you get stuck along the way, ask questions, get a mentor, listen for the answers and trust that you will get the right ones and you will.
Martin Luther King Jr. once said: “Faith is taking the first step, even if you can’t see the whole staircase.”
I woke up this morning with George Michael from WAM! singing on the
radio and telling me that “You gotta have Faith” Our religious leaders and
coaches tell us that we have to have faith. I tell my clients all the time to
have faith. Often the word is used in religious terms and when someone is struggling with a problem they have no solution for. But, what is “Faith”? What does it really mean to have it?
Merriam/Webster defines Faith as:
1: allegiance to duty or a person : loyalty b (1): fidelity to one's promises
(2): sincerity of intentions
2 a (1): belief and trust in and loyalty to God (2) : belief in the traditional doctrines
of a religion b (1): firm belief in something for which there is no proof
(2) : complete trust
3: something that is believed especially with strong conviction; especially: a system of religious beliefs <the Protestant faith> — on faith: without question <took everything he said on faith>
It is #2 b(1) “Firm belief in something for which there is no proof” that I am talking about when I encourage my clients to have faith. There are many things in life that we cannot see. Some of them we cannot see because we don’t know what we are looking at. Success, Happiness and Prosperity for instance. If you have not really experienced much of any of these in your life you wouldn’t know how they felt, what they looked like or even where to look for them in yourself. Faith is radical trust. Trust in yourself, that you can accomplish your goals in life even if you
don’t know where to start in the moment. So, have faith in yourself and what you can accomplish. If you don’t know where to start or you get stuck along the way, ask questions, get a mentor, listen for the answers and trust that you will get the right ones and you will.
Martin Luther King Jr. once said: “Faith is taking the first step, even if you can’t see the whole staircase.”
Symbols of Life
Monday Morning Mentoring Minute (on Tuesday) May 28th 2013
Recently I was looking at a pond that has
several Lotus flowers growing in it. I’ve admired their beauty many times in the
past but, this morning, while enjoying the rising sun I noticed that the flowers
were closed. It wasn’t until the actual rays of light from the sun kissed the
Lotus petals, that they began to open right in front of me. I guess I have been
too busy in the past to really notice this. As the flowers opened, I realized
that the outside of the white leaves were bruised a bit and had little brown
spots. They weren’t really pretty. However, as each pedal gently separated from
the others, their true beauty was exposed on the inside. Inside, the petals
appeared to be flawless, soft and bright.
A gradient yellow color started bright in the flower’s center and became
lighter and lighter as it rose toward the petals tips. One by one, the flowers
many layers opened. The flower appeared to have it’s own light coming from
within its center. So beautiful!
I did some research on my phone while
watching this amazing flower bloom before my very eyes and found that: the lotus flower signifies a flawless
and timeless divine beauty. It’s opening petals, the potential for the soul to
expand and blossom into beauty and divinity. They symbolize the surrender of the
mind to the powers above and an openness and submissiveness even as the roots
are mired in muddy worldliness and sin. It is said they also symbolize not only
creation, but the timeless and continual process of birth and rebirth. And to
me, this morning, they represent how no matter where our roots are planted, if
we carry our fire and light inside, we can shine no matter where we are.
We carry our lives in our own hands.
What symbols do you have in your lives that remind you of who you are and where you are going?
Recently I was looking at a pond that has
several Lotus flowers growing in it. I’ve admired their beauty many times in the
past but, this morning, while enjoying the rising sun I noticed that the flowers
were closed. It wasn’t until the actual rays of light from the sun kissed the
Lotus petals, that they began to open right in front of me. I guess I have been
too busy in the past to really notice this. As the flowers opened, I realized
that the outside of the white leaves were bruised a bit and had little brown
spots. They weren’t really pretty. However, as each pedal gently separated from
the others, their true beauty was exposed on the inside. Inside, the petals
appeared to be flawless, soft and bright.
A gradient yellow color started bright in the flower’s center and became
lighter and lighter as it rose toward the petals tips. One by one, the flowers
many layers opened. The flower appeared to have it’s own light coming from
within its center. So beautiful!
I did some research on my phone while
watching this amazing flower bloom before my very eyes and found that: the lotus flower signifies a flawless
and timeless divine beauty. It’s opening petals, the potential for the soul to
expand and blossom into beauty and divinity. They symbolize the surrender of the
mind to the powers above and an openness and submissiveness even as the roots
are mired in muddy worldliness and sin. It is said they also symbolize not only
creation, but the timeless and continual process of birth and rebirth. And to
me, this morning, they represent how no matter where our roots are planted, if
we carry our fire and light inside, we can shine no matter where we are.
We carry our lives in our own hands.
What symbols do you have in your lives that remind you of who you are and where you are going?
Where can you improve?
Monday Morning Mentoring Minute May 20, 2013
Walter Lippmann once said that “ It requires wisdom to understand
wisdom: The music is nothing if the audience in deaf. “
Many of us fail to seek out improvement because we get so caught up in
our daily lives that we don’t see not only that WE CAN improve, but what improvements we can make. Take some time out of your day today and look at yourself and your life. What in you would you like to make better? What desires do you have that can be addressed by a little self improvement? Would you like to have better communication with family and co-workers? Would you like to be able to concentrate more on the things you love to do? Do you need more organization in your life or even in your mind? Really ask yourself what needs you have not met yet that will improve something about you, then take action to meet those needs. Take a class, go to a seminar, and especially…Get a Mentor.
Walter Lippmann once said that “ It requires wisdom to understand
wisdom: The music is nothing if the audience in deaf. “
Many of us fail to seek out improvement because we get so caught up in
our daily lives that we don’t see not only that WE CAN improve, but what improvements we can make. Take some time out of your day today and look at yourself and your life. What in you would you like to make better? What desires do you have that can be addressed by a little self improvement? Would you like to have better communication with family and co-workers? Would you like to be able to concentrate more on the things you love to do? Do you need more organization in your life or even in your mind? Really ask yourself what needs you have not met yet that will improve something about you, then take action to meet those needs. Take a class, go to a seminar, and especially…Get a Mentor.
Find your flow!
Monday Morning Mentoring
Find Your Flow!
When we talk about creating or manifesting what we want in our lives,
one of the key factors is being in your flow. Some people call it “Being in the
Zone”, “Being on Fire” or “Being in the Flow”. Look back through your life for
the times when everything was going exactly as you wanted and tap into the
feeling you were experiencing. Perhaps you were even amazed at how good you were feeling in the moment as things were working out perfectly.
When you want to create or manifest something in your life, try your
best to get into that same frame of mind, draw that feeling into your mind and
body. This is what is meant by “Acting as if”. When you can act as if things are
going perfectly, that you have money, you have great connection with family,
friends and co-workers, that you have already succeeded on the project you are
working on or that goal you are striving for, that energy of Being in your flow
will come naturally and you will get what you want. It is a matter of knowing
that it is there and coming to you as you call it forth by “Acting as if”.
Note the important aspects of the process…Be, Act and Receive.
Find Your Flow!
When we talk about creating or manifesting what we want in our lives,
one of the key factors is being in your flow. Some people call it “Being in the
Zone”, “Being on Fire” or “Being in the Flow”. Look back through your life for
the times when everything was going exactly as you wanted and tap into the
feeling you were experiencing. Perhaps you were even amazed at how good you were feeling in the moment as things were working out perfectly.
When you want to create or manifest something in your life, try your
best to get into that same frame of mind, draw that feeling into your mind and
body. This is what is meant by “Acting as if”. When you can act as if things are
going perfectly, that you have money, you have great connection with family,
friends and co-workers, that you have already succeeded on the project you are
working on or that goal you are striving for, that energy of Being in your flow
will come naturally and you will get what you want. It is a matter of knowing
that it is there and coming to you as you call it forth by “Acting as if”.
Note the important aspects of the process…Be, Act and Receive.
Breathe, Think, Act.
Monday Morning Mentoring Minute
Napoleon Hill once said that “No man is ever whipped until he quits in
his own mind.”
Have you ever had one of those days where one thing after another seems
to go wrong? How did you deal with it? Was there a lot of drama? Did you feel
like the whole world was against you? Recently I experienced a series of
unfortunate events all in the same day. I got injured, my truck broke down on a
long trip, and even a family member passed away causing significant grief to
other family members I really care about.
Each one of these things were enough to create significant drama and
combined they are enough to take someone out for a day or so. All of them get
the adrenaline going in the body and like many other drugs, we as people can get
addicted to the adrenaline rushing through our veins. However,
that did not happen and herein lies the lesson. The “whole world” is never out
to get you. Life happens and it is how we respond that is most significant. In
my case, I did what I teach all my clients.
1. Breathe– With each event, stop everything before reacting emotionally and get your breath under control.
2. Think – again, hold back the emotions for a long enough time to think about what just occurred, and determine the best course of action…AND BREATHE more.
3. Act – Take quick decisive action that will stop the problem, solve the problem and prevent further damage….AND BREATHE.
4. And last, try to keep the adrenaline rush to a minimum, be mindful and compassionate of others experiencing the same situation and leave the “drama” to the pros on television.
Whether it’s an injury, damage control, loss, conflict in relationships or any other event that sneaks up on you in life, you will less likely “Give up” or feel “whipped” if you remember to breathe, think and then act. And of course breathe again. It only takes a moment.
Napoleon Hill once said that “No man is ever whipped until he quits in
his own mind.”
Have you ever had one of those days where one thing after another seems
to go wrong? How did you deal with it? Was there a lot of drama? Did you feel
like the whole world was against you? Recently I experienced a series of
unfortunate events all in the same day. I got injured, my truck broke down on a
long trip, and even a family member passed away causing significant grief to
other family members I really care about.
Each one of these things were enough to create significant drama and
combined they are enough to take someone out for a day or so. All of them get
the adrenaline going in the body and like many other drugs, we as people can get
addicted to the adrenaline rushing through our veins. However,
that did not happen and herein lies the lesson. The “whole world” is never out
to get you. Life happens and it is how we respond that is most significant. In
my case, I did what I teach all my clients.
1. Breathe– With each event, stop everything before reacting emotionally and get your breath under control.
2. Think – again, hold back the emotions for a long enough time to think about what just occurred, and determine the best course of action…AND BREATHE more.
3. Act – Take quick decisive action that will stop the problem, solve the problem and prevent further damage….AND BREATHE.
4. And last, try to keep the adrenaline rush to a minimum, be mindful and compassionate of others experiencing the same situation and leave the “drama” to the pros on television.
Whether it’s an injury, damage control, loss, conflict in relationships or any other event that sneaks up on you in life, you will less likely “Give up” or feel “whipped” if you remember to breathe, think and then act. And of course breathe again. It only takes a moment.
The Greatest Wealth is Health....
Monday Morning Mentoring Minute
Last night I was up and down all evening. Apparently I ate a combination of foods that did not agree with each other. Normally I am very conscious about what I put in my body, but every now and then, I throw caution to the wind and eat whatever is calling to me in the moment. And occasionally this can be a mistake. This got me thinking about our health over all and how important it is to everyday living and feeling empowered. My friend Jennifer Boller shared with me 5 Tips to help one live a longer life the other day, so I thought as part of the MMMM I would share them
with you.
5 Tips To Living a Longer Life
It’s keeping our cells young! Every cell contains something called a “telomere,”
which is a tiny strip of DNA that gets shorter as we age. Once they get too
short to work properly, it leads to age-related problems, like heart disease,
diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. But there are
ways to protect our telomeres – and even make them longer – which can help us
live longer, healthier lives. Here’s how:
A study found that women caring for ill children are so stressed their telomeres
are a short as someone 10 years older! But calming yoga and meditation boosts
production of the chemical that helps make telomeres longer by 43
Get active!
Research found that highly stressed people who exercise are 15 times less likely
to have short telomeres. In fact, just 14 minutes of vigorous exercise a day can
make a difference.
Eat whole grains, especially cereal.
That’s because a lot of cereals are fortified with folic acid, which has
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help protect your cells.
Lose weight.
Obesity causes chronic inflammation that can damage cells and tissues. And the
longer you stay overweight, the more damage there is.
Eat fish high in omega-3 fatty acids
twice a week, like wild salmon. Which can increase telomere length after just 4
And I would like to ad that you should look for and avoid GMO's. There have been no studies done of the effects of Genetically Modified Foods on the human body over the long term. Also, avoid sugars, especially High Fructose Corn Syrup as it tends to add weight to the body and is in products you never would expect to see it in.
Last night I was up and down all evening. Apparently I ate a combination of foods that did not agree with each other. Normally I am very conscious about what I put in my body, but every now and then, I throw caution to the wind and eat whatever is calling to me in the moment. And occasionally this can be a mistake. This got me thinking about our health over all and how important it is to everyday living and feeling empowered. My friend Jennifer Boller shared with me 5 Tips to help one live a longer life the other day, so I thought as part of the MMMM I would share them
with you.
5 Tips To Living a Longer Life
It’s keeping our cells young! Every cell contains something called a “telomere,”
which is a tiny strip of DNA that gets shorter as we age. Once they get too
short to work properly, it leads to age-related problems, like heart disease,
diabetes, osteoporosis, arthritis, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s. But there are
ways to protect our telomeres – and even make them longer – which can help us
live longer, healthier lives. Here’s how:
A study found that women caring for ill children are so stressed their telomeres
are a short as someone 10 years older! But calming yoga and meditation boosts
production of the chemical that helps make telomeres longer by 43
Get active!
Research found that highly stressed people who exercise are 15 times less likely
to have short telomeres. In fact, just 14 minutes of vigorous exercise a day can
make a difference.
Eat whole grains, especially cereal.
That’s because a lot of cereals are fortified with folic acid, which has
antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which can help protect your cells.
Lose weight.
Obesity causes chronic inflammation that can damage cells and tissues. And the
longer you stay overweight, the more damage there is.
Eat fish high in omega-3 fatty acids
twice a week, like wild salmon. Which can increase telomere length after just 4
And I would like to ad that you should look for and avoid GMO's. There have been no studies done of the effects of Genetically Modified Foods on the human body over the long term. Also, avoid sugars, especially High Fructose Corn Syrup as it tends to add weight to the body and is in products you never would expect to see it in.
"Argue for your Limitations...
and sure enough they are yours."
Monday Morning Mentoring Minute
“Argue for your Limitations...
and sure enough they are yours.”
This is one of the most profound statements I have ever learned. I found it in a book by Richard Bach called Illusions back when I was just a young boy. This statement has stuck with me all my life. It comes to mind today because of a recent interaction I had with a client. During our session, which they paid for keep in mind, The Client expressed their concern with being stuck in a certain place in their lives. As we explored all the possible directions and actions they could take to get “un-stuck”; each one was met with objection and “I can’t do that” or some other form of rejection. After some time talking it was clear that the intent of the mentoring session had to shift from finding the open doors to success to defining their fears.
They argued so hard for all the limitations they have in their life that there
was no room for them to see all the possibilities.
In turning the light on these fears it was determined that they did not have any recollection as to where most of them came from. As young as childhood,
through our teens and into our adult lives we pick up and take on the fears of
others without even knowing why. We ask for advice and we get it tainted with
the fears and beliefs of the person counseling us, then we internalize those
fears and they become our own. We become programmed and these unrealistic fears become very real to us, even if we never had an experience to validate
them. Take a close look at your fears…listen to your language. Is it full of “No’s” when you could say “YES” Are you arguing for your limitations in life when you could be expressing your freedom, exploring your possibilities and reaching for your full potential? Think about it.
“Argue for your Limitations...
and sure enough they are yours.”
This is one of the most profound statements I have ever learned. I found it in a book by Richard Bach called Illusions back when I was just a young boy. This statement has stuck with me all my life. It comes to mind today because of a recent interaction I had with a client. During our session, which they paid for keep in mind, The Client expressed their concern with being stuck in a certain place in their lives. As we explored all the possible directions and actions they could take to get “un-stuck”; each one was met with objection and “I can’t do that” or some other form of rejection. After some time talking it was clear that the intent of the mentoring session had to shift from finding the open doors to success to defining their fears.
They argued so hard for all the limitations they have in their life that there
was no room for them to see all the possibilities.
In turning the light on these fears it was determined that they did not have any recollection as to where most of them came from. As young as childhood,
through our teens and into our adult lives we pick up and take on the fears of
others without even knowing why. We ask for advice and we get it tainted with
the fears and beliefs of the person counseling us, then we internalize those
fears and they become our own. We become programmed and these unrealistic fears become very real to us, even if we never had an experience to validate
them. Take a close look at your fears…listen to your language. Is it full of “No’s” when you could say “YES” Are you arguing for your limitations in life when you could be expressing your freedom, exploring your possibilities and reaching for your full potential? Think about it.
Monday Morning Mentoring Minute April
Your Upper Limits or ULPing as we call it and what it means. Due to our personal programming that occurs between the ages of birth to about 7 years old we each have certain innate limits in our lives that many of us are not aware of. Limits to the amount of happiness we can experience at any given time. Limits to the amount of money we make. Limits to the amount of success we can have. And whether we acknowledge them or not, they still exist. Think back to a time when you did something amazing or created an over the top success in your life or were experiencing a wonderful time with a partner only to have it all come crashing down. Perhaps an awesome time with your partner ended in an argument or you got promoted and began to make more money and a huge expense occurred in your life forcing you to use that money. I am sure you can think of many times you were on top of the world only to come crashing down. This means that you reached you upper limits programmed deep inside you, or ULP'd. Here is a simple exercise to help you determine what your individual Upper Limits are and how you can recognize them and break through them in the future. Ask yourself and answer the following questions: 1. What…What patterns occur in my life after things are going smoothly? What thoughts and experiences do I have just as cooperation and collaboration begin to slide? What are my most common upper limits behaviors? (i.e. Worry, getting sick, starting an argument, making self sabotaging choices) 2. Why…Why is this issue coming up at this time? 3. When…At what times do you tend to criticize your colleagues, family, friends or yourself? 4. Living in a state of productivity…How can I befriend my upper limit patterns? Understanding your Upper Limits, learning when they started and where they were imprinted as patterns in your mental programming will help you to not only recognize them as they come into your life but to stop them dead in their tracks and let you create a new, healthier, and productive response so that you can enjoy your health, wealth, prosperity and relationships for longer periods of time and in turn create the life you love to live. rr Monday Morning Mentoring Minute April
8th, 2013 "I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy." In keeping with our current theme on manifestation, It is important to remind you that your thoughts have everything to do with the results in your life. Many people use Affirmations as a tool to keep them focused and to open themselves up to receiving what they desire. However, affirmations, like any other self talk can become just that , “Self Talk”, unless one uses carefully selected words with common human experience and expanded spiritual realization that resonate the simple truths. Affirmations have no power if they are not grounded in reality. To be grounded in reality they must be in accordance with the Natural Laws of the Universe, with unselfish desires and with the highest good. Because the thoughts that you hold in your mind determine the experiences you have in your life, it is of vital importance that one takes conscious responsibility for their thoughts. Well crafted affirmations are mental tools for redirecting attention in successful directions. Affirmation: “I am whole, perfect, strong, powerful, loving, harmonious and happy." This is a well crafted affirmation written by Charles Haanel, creator of The Master Key System and one of the most successful men this country has ever seen. Haanel states about this affirmation; …”This affirmation will bring about harmonious conditions and the reason for this is because the affirmation is in strict accordance with the truth, and when Truth appears every form of error or discord must necessarily disappear.” So, today as you are saying your affirmations, take a closer look at them. Are they carefully worded to be true? Are they grounded in reality and in accordance with the Natural Laws of the Universe and are they unselfish and in the highest good? One way to tell is if you have not gotten what you want to experience in life then, No, they aren’t. Reevaluate, rewrite and create a life you love to live by directing your thoughts toward your highest good. ~ RRBL Monday Morning Mentoring Minute April 1,
2013 Part One of this training in still posted below. This morning we are continuing from last Monday’s MMMM with part 2 of manifesting what you want in your life. As you recall, we showed the process of Entering the Silence. The next step is to become Open to Receiving. Once you Enter the Silence, you open yourself up to inspiration and a flow of knowledge from the collective conscious. Thoughts will begin to flow into your mind that provide you with a myriad of ideas. Some of these ideas you can use and some you may have no desire for and it may be fun for you to entertain some of them. However, you must realize that these thoughts are just that, thoughts. It isn’t until you add some vitality that the thought can start to thrive and become reality. That vitality can only be infused into a thought by emotion. It is when we are emotional or passionate about a thought that it’s life truly begins to take hold. So when we think of something we want to create in our life it is more important that we focus not just on what we believe it is that we want but what emotion we will feel when we have it. It is the emotion that we will experience that is the real catalyst to manifestation. As an example: Think of any one thing you desire in your life; now, think of the feeling you will experience when you have that desired result. Perhaps you will feel happy, or accomplished or confident. Focusing on that feeling will begin the process of manifesting your desire into reality. It is often that we desire something in our lives because we want the feeling that we believe it will provide us. If we concentrate on the emotion that the desired result will provide us, and we hold that emotion, the Universe will do everything in its power to provide exactly what we need, even if we don’t honestly know what that is. To learn more on Manifesting your desires in life seek out a Mentor or…make an appointment with us today. Monday Morning Mentoring Minute March 25, 2013 Many new clients come to us wanting to get unstuck; wanting to re-create their lives. They desire a life they love to live, however they just don’t know where to start and more often than not, they don’t know what it is that they really want. They don’t know what it will take to truly make them happy. One of the first things we teach them is about Charles Haanel and the processes in The Master Key System. Charles Haanel (1866-1949) was a very wealthy man who knew how to manifest a life he loved. He created and wrote The Master Key.; A book that many great successes in our country studied and the basis for the well know book and movie “The Secret”. The first process to practice and use is the Quiet Mind Process…… Without explanation, here is the quiet mind process as a complete unit for you to memorize and master as provided by the authors of Tapping The Source. Next week we will share the next step of the process. Take this week to master this one. Find a space to sit quietly and prepare to enter into silence. State to yourself each statement as you exhale and during the process never let go of your heightened awareness of your breathing: “I choose to focus enjoyably inward.” “I feel the air flowing in and out of my nose.” “I also feel the movement in my chest and belly.” “I’m aware of the whole body, here in the present moment.” “My mind is quiet…..I am now in the Silence.” Check back next week for the next part and feel free to contact me for more details. rrbl Monday Morning Mentoring Minute March 18, 2013
During a recent conversation with a Mentoring client we were discussing the manifestation of wealth. She stated that she is tired of hearing about all the abundance in life when around her is so much lack of it. She then asked me: "If there is so much abundance, then where is it? It isn't in my bank account." Here in lies the problem: Abundance never shows up in the form of paper. It shows up as satisfaction, smiles, happiness, pride and prestige. Money is merely a calculator of your abundance. Money basically represents the fruits of your labor, what you actually LOVE to do. The Law of abundance shows itself at work everywhere. A quick glance at nature will remind you that there is no shortage. Any feelings of lack we have can be corrected by carefully using the laws of nature to bring you what you truly desire. Haanel, the Author of the Master Keys to Success stated: "The law is that THOUGHT is an active and vital form of DYNAMIC ENERGY which has the power to HARMONIZE and CORRELATE with the mind's vision and creations. Then it brings out from the invisible world: substance from which all things are created and then ultimately delivered into the physical world." Wealth is the product of your actions. Capitol is an effect, not a cause, not a means to an end. Wealth should never be desired as an end, but simply as a means of accomplishing an end result. If you have a big enough "Why" then the "How" will be provided. It all begins with what you think. To control thought is to control circumstances, conditions, environment and even your destiny. This is the key to creating wealth. So, if you wish to bring about the realization of a desire, form a mental picture of such by repeatedly visualizing and most important, feeling your desire. Feel what it is like to be there now, and , like the antenna on a radio, send out the signal to the Universe a request to provide you with what you need to create your worthwhile desire. Thoughts filtered through beliefs create emotions that fuel action. (Emotion = Energy in motion) RRBL Monday Morning Mentoring Minute March 11, 2013
Blame: Our life is full of activities and events that we react to. Why does one thing make someone angry and doesn’t affect another person. Why is one person afraid and another not of the very same circumstances? I have been watching people all my life. I have often wanted to crawl inside their heads to see for myself exactly what they were thinking and feeling that made them react to different situations. Over the years I had determined that it is really not important what is happening around us, but instead it is how we “feel” about it. It is in our feelings or emotions where we create the energy to act. These emotions come directly from our beliefs about the way the world is. Knowing this allows us to take 100% responsibility. No more can we blame others for what we perceive is occurring in our lives, for how we feel about situations or for how we react to them. You see, when you are living consciously, you can put blame aside and stop holding others accountable for your thoughts and feelings. If you don’t like a situation and cannot change it you can always change how you perceive it. Blame comes from ignorance and makes you the “victim” Thoughts filtered through beliefs create emotions that fuel action. (Emotion = Energy in motion) RRBL |
Monday Morning Mentoring Minute March 4th, 2013
Today’s topic is about “Desire”. The Desire and ability to be successful is already programmed in each and every one of us. It is in our DNA. The real issue is that the average person doesn’t really have specifics about what they want. They know what they are supposed to want. Other people tell them what to want. But, it is when they sit quietly, let all the fleeting thoughts of the mind wander away, and they look into their heart, listen to their Soul, they can hear the small still voice inside tell them what they really desire in their life. And when we get that “Ah, Ha!” and it feels Soulful, it is our strength of DESIRE, regardless of what other people think that guides us to let our light shine and be the very best we can be. So, the next time you feel stuck, take a few minutes and ask yourself; What is my true, Soulful desire? Is it what I want or what others want? Is it what I really want even if money were no object? If the answers to these questions are “YES” then make a decision, put away your fear and go get what you want. Usually, if someone around us is not supportive of our decisions...it is about how those decisions affect them. Be bold, be fearless, and be strong enough to get what you desire. In the end when you are happy, the ones who truly love you will be happy for Monday Morning Mentoring Minute February 25th, 2013
Today we are sharing about Appreciation. It is in our appreciation that we open ourselves up to great abundance in our lives. We often say that we appreciate something and in the same breath we say “but I wish I had more.” In essence we give a little appreciation for what we have and then we focus our attention on the lack. To bring real abundance in our lives we must learn to appreciate fully what is already there without drawing attention to what is not. The subconscious mind does not understand positives and negatives. It brings us what we think about most, what we obsess about, what we “appreciate” most. So if we acquire some money and we think about how we “wish” we had more and our mental energy is greater in the emotional thought of what it is we are lacking, then the subconscious mind will draw to us what we are putting our energy into; the lack of money. As an example, I have a relative who loves penguins. Since she was a young woman, she would acquire little penguin statues. In the beginning, she had three or four on a shelf in her living room and would admire and appreciate them when she walked by. She never thought to herself, “I wish I had more.” Over the years, appreciating the little penguin statues that she had, she began to receive more penguins, and more penguins. They would come as gifts for birthdays, people would be out and see one and think of her and give it to her the next time they visited. And in time, she had hundreds of little penguins that she put no effort into obtaining on her own. They all came to her because she appreciated the few penguins she had without the thought of how few she actually had. This principle of appreciation works the same way with everything in our lives when it comes to abundance. Truly appreciate what you currently have, do not give mental energy to what you lack and as if by magic, the Universe will bring you more of what you appreciate with little effort on your part. So, the key to abundance is to appreciate what you already have…. Monday Morning Mentoring Minute February 18th, 2012
Monday February 18th, 2013
Expressing Your Natural Genius Your life will work great if you express your Genius in a way that other people get. If you don't, it won't. Take a few deep breaths and try on these two sentences. Try them on like a new coat or jacket. Notice what comes up for you… any thoughts, any feelings? If life is working exactly as you like and people are receiving the full gift of your Genius, then this course probably isn't for you; perhaps you should be teaching it. If, however, you want life to work better for you, then read on. You're in the right place. We appreciate you for choosing to discover and express your Genius in the world. We appreciate you for your willingness to let life work for you in bigger ways. Life is indeed waiting for you, waiting to support you in getting what you want. The extent to which you experience this IS dependent on how well you discover and express your Genius in a way that serves you and others. In this session, you will learn what true Genius is. You will learn how to unleash the power of your “willingness” - specifically exploring your willingness and unwillingness - so that your authentic willingness will fuel you in discovering and expressing your true Genius in a way that serves you and others. True Genius The dictionary defines Genius as “a great natural ability; a great original creative ability; a strong disposition or inclination.” What does true Genius look like? True Genius is… 1- Doing what you love doing that doesn't seem like work 2- What you would do even if you didn't get paid because you love it so much 3- Great natural and original creative abilities that you possess inside you 4- What you could do all day and night long and never get tired 5- Your purpose for being and what inspires others to express their Genius 6- What energizes and excites you most 7- What you do that is effortless and easy and, at the same time, generates a high ratio of abundance for time and energy spent. True Genius is NOT mediocrity, the status quo, doing well but playing safe, suffering and frustration. When asked how he carved the statue “David,” Michelangelo said something like, “I visualized David in the stone. Then, I chiseled away everything that was not David. David was what was left.” Discovering your true Genius is like that - focusing your attention on the David inside and chiseling away everything that isn't part of your David - so that what remains, what is left standing is your David, your true Genius. Willingness... Willingness is the muscle power you need to chisel away the stone that covers your David, waiting to emerge. Willingness is the key to unlocking the door to discover and express your true Genius. Use it to jump into the unknown. Are you willing to bring your Genius forth into the world so that it serves you and everyone else in the world at the same time? Before you answer this question, we invite you to try on both a “yes” and a “no” answer. Ask this question out loud. Then, answer “no.” Use the physical gestures that go along with your “no,” like arms crossed, head shaking side-to-side, lips pursed… whatever gestures go with your “no.” Exaggerate your “no” gestures. Say “no” several times, exaggerating your “no” gestures as you do. Then, ask this question out loud, this time answering “yes.” Notice the physical gestures you use with your body. Did you nod your head? Did that seem like an authentic “yes”? Say “yes” several times out loud, exaggerating your “yes” gestures as you do. Now, experiment with going back and forth between “no’s” and “yes’”, exaggerating your voice and gestures. Explore your “no’s” and “yes’” for a minute or two. When you've landed on an authentic “yes” to this question with your whole body, you will know it is your genuine genius. When you want to learn more..... Monday Morning Mentoring February 11th, 2013
As I write this, I’m gazing out the window…the sun is trying to wake up and melt the snow that visited our mile-high Arizona town this weekend. I grew up on the Pacific Northwest, where the sun often hid behind clouds for days, weeks and what often felt like months. We would get so excited to see a “patch of blue” in the sky and hurry outside to bask in the few moments of brighter light.
Sometimes our lives are like this. We go for days, weeks and maybe even months, walking in the grayness of our own personal clouds that block the brighter light from streaming more fully into us. It might be just a few clouds in your personal sky, making you a little blah with less “zing” than you’d like to enjoy. Maybe your sky has been very cloudy and it’s only a distant memory of what walking in the fullness of the bright sun feels like. Whatever your weather forecast has been there are easy and effective empowerment tools to clear those clouds away and amp up the light in your life. Sunshiney Day Mentoring Tools: 1. Wake up with a prayer in your heart and a conscious intention. An intention is like shining the light of what you want into your upcoming day. Energy follows thought is a universal law, so when you set your intention with your thought in the morning the creation of that will follow. 2. Tame your Mind Monsters™! Mind Monsters™ are those pesky thoughts that create the clouds in your life. Of the 60,000 thoughts we think each day it is said that over 40,000 of them are negative! That’s a lot of Mind Monsters™! It’s no wonder that so many people are gloomy and missing their sunshiney smiles. In our training program, Visions2Victory™, we teach several in depth empowering tools to tame your Mind Monsters™. For your Monday Morning Mentoring Tool, begin by noticing that you do have Mind Monsters™ and stop believing the stories they are telling you. Just like as kids, you would shine the light under the bed and discover there weren’t real monsters there, you can shine the light awareness on your Mind Monsters™ and help them disappear. 3. Create a higher purpose for your day. When I ask in my prayers each morning, who and how can I serve this day, and I follow through and do it…the sunshine in my day shines so brightly that everything else I do falls into place, “as if by magic”. On those days I’m on time for everything, I’m happier and everything I do goes right. On the days I don’t…well…let’s just say there are a lot more clouds in my sky. When I ask “who and how can I serve this day” I often hear very easy things: “give Kathy a call, she just needs to hear your voice” or “take a pot of soup out to Allen, he’s got a cold today”. One of our highest purposes is to serve, and doing so each day aligns us with brighter sunshiney light. These are 3 easy and effective ways to chase those clouds away and let the sun shine through. At the Academy and Center for Life Empowerment, we offer personal, family and group sessions to empower you and your ability to walk each day on Sunshine. Join me in this latest empowering tool…get up and dance and move your body! A super fun way to bring the sunshine into your life! February 4th, 2013
The Law of Polarity: The law of polarity states that under Universal Law, all things have its polar opposite. Speaking in terms of success, happiness and prosperity, the opposite of those would be failure, sadness and lack. Without failure, we could not have success and so on with anything in our lives. If you have a problem in your life it is because you must find the solution. Understanding the Law of Polarity provides you with the opportunity to stop being a victim. Take 100% responsibility for everything in your life and stop blaming outside sources. Everything, every person and every event is in your life because you have drawn them there and you have total control on how you perceive them. Richard Bach makes a great observation in his book Illusions, The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah when he writes “There is no such thing as a problem without a gift for you in its hands. You seek problems because you need their gifts.” In the case of problems noting the Law of Polarity, it is in the problem that the solution lies….waiting for you to discover it. Here are four simple steps you can take to locate the solution in the problem. Take any problem/s you have in your life and write them down. 1: Ask yourself “What are my current beliefs about this problem?” List them 2: What would I need to believe about this problem if I had the solution? List that 3: See the difference between your current belief and the belief you would have if the solution was already present. 4: Ask yourself: “What do I need to do to bring the solution (and those beliefs) into fruition?” Then take the necessary actions steps. Thought filtered through our perceptions create beliefs which cause us to have emotions we take action on. Changing something anywhere along this chain will bring you different results. Changing the first will bring you the fastest results toward your success. How can we support you? Our sessions will provide you the very best tools and what you can do to use them to create a life you love. Contact us today and tell us how we can support you. Mentoring tip January 25th, 2013
Be SMART about setting your goals! Goal Setting Exercise 1. On a scale from 1 to 10 – how big is your desire? (10 = “I want it big time!”) 2. Do you believe you can reach this goal? 3. Have you started brainstorming? Have you written your goal on paper? 4. Why is this goal important to you? 5. Where are you starting from right now? 6. What is the deadline? 7. What do you think could be an obstacle you must climb over? 8. What other information do you need in order to accomplish your goal? 9. Who else do you have lined up to help you – support you – back you? 10. Have you written a Master Goal Plan? (It’s based on answering the above nine questions!) Write a detailed plan – what will you do each day, every day? January 10, 2013 Mentor tip
So many people know what they need to do to achieve their goals, but they don’t do it. - “I’ll start my diet… tomorrow.” - “I’ll make those calls… on Monday.” - “I’ll go exercise… later.” What is the problem? It’s simple: Homeostasis Homeostasis is that innate drive to stay the same...it is what helps create procrastination. Somehow doing what you know you need to becomes less appealing than doing what you’re doing right now –watching TV, reading blogs, chatting on Facebook, or reading the sports page. Your dreams and goals disappear, and all you can think about is the Family Guy or the Raiders’ record. There are ways to get yourself going, though, and that’s where Visions2Victory comes in. Procrastination is like unhappy families: Each is unique in its own way – thank you, Tolstoy and Anna Karenina! :-) The result is the same: You aren’t accomplishing what you think you want or need to do but the cause is as contrasting as the one doing the procrastinating! |
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